Yongary, Monster From the Deep

Yongary is something of a lost film.  While the American version still exists (and can be found relatively easy), the original version has long ago been destroyed.  It’s almost worth recommending on that basis.  First Korean Giant Monster movie?  A piece of history if ever there was one.

Yep.  Almost worth recommending because of that.


But I’m not doing it.  I sort of suspect that this is the opposite of a Cullen Carp: the Cullen Like.  Something  I like more because I like the subgenre rather than anything else.

If it is, so be it.  But don’t let that stop you from checking out if you haven’t seen it yet.  You might find some fun to be had if you do.

Now here’s something you don’t expect to see in a Daikaiju flick…

As I said, I love this flick (2.0 points), but it’s pretty bad (0.5 points)

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