
Before the second attack on RV is a scene with Susan and Johnny talking to each other. Character building moment, if you can dig it. Anyways, I’m watching it, and suddenly the thought “This movie is tedious” popped into my head.

And yes, I thought the word tedious and not boring. I don’t just use the thesaurus for these reviews, people. It’s ingrained.

In any case, I couldn’t understand why I was thinking this. The film hadn’t seemed that bad up to that point. As far as I could tell, the acting was decent enough. And again, the motto: I’d seen worse.

But the notion persisted. I wrote my little synopsis, cracked my little jokes, and it was tedious. It lingered even after I finished, even as I made my first attempt at this section. All the while, under my thoughts, the pieces clicked into place.

Octaman has no heart. No soul. It’s a flat, lifeless thing.

It’s coming from the cast. It’s coming from the director. This sense that they know this film isn’t just a lull in their careers, but what all their remaining films will be like. Nothing of worth, nothing of quality, nothing much of anything, really. I’m not saying they aren’t doing their best work possible, mind. It’s even at their best here there seems to be an overwhelming fatalism there.

Maybe I’m reading into things. I did some research on this puppy before starting, and maybe it’s coloring my thinking. Maybe.

Or maybe I want to believe that. Because here I am, little Mr. Internet Critic, no film to his name, kicking a flick when its down.

I dunno.

I really don’t.

Here’s the thing: Any film you head into, you want to be entertained. Whether enjoying a classic or making fun of a bad film, if you’re entertained, it can’t really be said to be a waste of your time (not a time waster; different beasties they). Octaman, to me, actively prevents you from enjoying it in places.

That, dear reader, is an awful film

Does this reassure you? I’m totally reassured. No way he escapes.

Now I’ve had my fun with it. I’ve had my say on it. Now, I want nothing more to do with it.

Scratch the want, more like need.

There are plenty of good bad movies out there.  Find one of them if you have the need.  I need to have nothing more to do with it.

Avoid this one.

Not Recommended

An awful film (0 points) that I don’t particularly like (0.5 points).

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