Friday the 13th (2009)

Visitors to the worst campgrounds in the world trigger a massive amount of bloody murder by a certain killer.

Released in 2009, this failed reboot of the classic film stars Jared Padalecki, Danielle Panabaker, and Amanda Righettie. It was written by Damian Shannon and Mark Swift. Marcus Nispel directed

A visit to the camp you should never visit in this Golden Oldie. A little fiddling here as my opinion has improved about the original and I felt the need to reflect it here

It’s not surprising that the Father of the Modern Slasher film was remade. What is surprising, to a degree, was how long it took to get made at all.

See, originally Friday the 13th was a Paramount exclusive. It went through a healthy (or perhaps unhealthy is a better word) amount of sequels, then petered out in the late Eighties. At some point the rights to its… um… protagonist Jason Voorhees went over to New Line Pictures. And about that’s all that went over. The bulk of the mythology, such as it was, remained with Paramount.

Thus making an honest remake a wee bit hard.

But the potential for mountains of money can move any obstacle in Hollywood, and towards the end of the first decade of the 2000’s Paramount and New Line worked out a deal between themselves to bring this ever so necessary remake into the world.

Thrilling. I know.

This was one of the many, many remakes I managed somehow to miss when they were in theaters. Don’t know how that is, exactly. Beyond having better things to do with my time, a then strong dislike of Slashers and most modern Horror flicks, a complete absence of a social life, and so on and so forth.

So why am I reviewing it now?

A video store closed near me and the disk was on sale. What other reason did I need?

This particular version of the film is the “Killer Cut” of the film, or at least that’s what the box told me. As I’ve seen the original and its first sequel in recent memory, expect a few digs on how the remake simply doesn’t compare. Then after that, we’ll see just how true that is.

Our getaway to Crystal Lake begins with but a turn of the page.  So to speak.

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